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Pants Dziad have four major pockets, two front and two at the rear. His large, wrinkled hand extends just to the front, right pocket and pulls it into the light of day. Summer. Comes the summer. As if by magic wand fields of grains become golden and mature waving in the wind. Blue cornflowers bloom of yellow fields. Birds fly in the air and loudly sing. Flock of swallows turn back and whisked back to the front. Potok cheerfully washes the shores of the pasture, where the sun graze animals. Heat, hot. An old man kneels down and drink water straight from the stream. Harvest, sheafs. Field mice running around the rżysku and they eat grains which dropped out of the ears.
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Wieder starrt auf einem winzigen Bildschirm, sorgfältig verfolgen das Schicksal der Charaktere. Sie haben keine Schwarz-Weiß-Bild dagegen, wie konntest du wissen, dass der Film in Farbe? Ich habe never've hatte einen Fernseher. Sie kaufte es heute. Oder vielleicht ist er gestohlen wird? Die Hauptsache, die ihm gebracht, und dann wird er, der Mann, der so oft in letzter Zeit zu ihr zu kommen, irgendwie machte die alte, beschädigte Feld begann zu handeln.
Vorbei Minute. Das Märchen ist vorbei, und Sie Hunger haben. Sie gehen in die Küche, nicht viel größer als eine Toilette in der Klinik. Ihre Wohnung ist nur vierzig Meter, so alles in ihr ist klein. Auch Ihrem Einzelzimmer ist klein, es den Schrank, Kommode und ein großes Bett, in dem Sie zusammen schlafen beherbergt. Die zweite wäre nicht da, wo einfügen. In der Küche steht ein paar Schränke und drückte sich in eine Ecke eines schmalen Tisch. Beim Verschieben in die Mitte, Platz zu nehmen, um das Abendessen, Blockieren des Durchgangs zu dem Gasherd. Sie ist immer mit der lacht und sagt, dass es sich um eine schlanke, dass, wenn an Gewicht zugelegt, könnten verklemmen und für immer zwischen dem Tisch und dem Herd eingefangen werden.
Du schaust in den Kühlschrank und krzywisz, zu sehen, wie wenig Sie haben die Wahl. Sie berühren die klebrigen Wurst, Rückfahr Ekel Hand und reiben Sie es in das Bein seiner Jeans, dann sind Sie auf dem Käse zu entscheiden. Es sieht appetitlich. Sie nehmen drei Scheiben und zusammen mit uneaten Scheibe Brot am Morgen können Sie sich einen Stuhl, der in Ihrem kleinen Raum dient als Beistelltisch bist. Mit Blick auf die unverständliche Szene auf dem Bildschirm, das Abendessen essen Sie, trinken ein Coke altbackenes Brot.
Mr. und Mrs. ersten Streit, dann küssen und schließlich beginnen, sich auszuziehen.
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Wenn es dazu kommt, müssen Sie auf einer Matratze in der Küche schlafen, und Sie müssen nicht sie beobachten. Früher habe ich nicht wytrzymałaś, wślizgnęłaś leise in den Raum und beobachtet, bis Sie noch nicht bemerkt haben. Sie schlug ihr dann so schwer, dass er ociągnąć, aber dank Sie wissen, wie es ist, wenn Menschen Sefx zu tun. strone mamm | homeg | poznanie to An old man hides in his pocket summer. His hand, according tshelter or under any pretext locked in custody. There's nothing for free will not get in the store. Wola village, forest and wildlife. Here you can safely and harmoniously fulfill their role.
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When, you are organizing a portable marketing promotion. You want to let as many people know about this as possible. Put the information in flyers, write about it on your own blog and social-networking sites, also construct special business cards for the result. The more people that learn about that, added customers you might have.and winter is his daughter. Each lives in another pocket, in another house. Father evenly divided between all four years. Each has its own three months, the time in which he can do what he wants: to scatter the autumn rains, snowfall sport zlecenia | fitno artiste | muscl mojeMake unsubscribing toward the book points or e-mails an easy and painless process. Remember that even though a buyer is unsubscribing to the letters does not imply they no longer need to live the client. If you make unsubscribing a difficult or difficult task, the buyers may go down respect for the band or call.What you are saying in your ideas is enormously significant. As sending out emails to buyers, you want to be able to tap in in which persons needs as well as the purchase practices. The other detailed you can get; the further that person will be intrigued. Just make sure to keep all just to the point.Try executing a usability test prior to actually launching your mobile ad campaign to make confident it goes smoothly! Fire the ad in the little test group to include yourself and assumed friends or family members. Look for the straightforward contribution of anyone and ask yourself if you like the ad and will be persuaded by it!Blankly stared at the still surface of pale milk, which was filled with old, already dented in several places plate. In some places the snow from sticking sheets, like a periscope, the thread yellowish pasta. The old, Soviet alarm clock standing at nearly more than two decades refrigerator seemed to tick slower than usual, as if he really wanted to emphasize that he and his mechanism never have to hurry. As for anger, just today, the day on which Mr. Zbigniew learned that in the end be rushed. A few hours earlier, a young doctor, either because of age or inborn lack of empathy, not really trying to be gentle, informed him about the cancer that had already metastasized to give. He could even pretend confused, Pisser one. You not even asked him to Mr. Zbigniew sat, just, I immediately slammed with a thick pipe that is bad news, namely ... what happened later, his patient no longer remembered. After some time, he felt a piercing gaze of ordinary people in the waiting room, he saw anger in pig mesh nurse casually inviting him to take even a tiny sip of dirty glass. It seemed to him that it was so unbearably cough wall. He could hear the mournful whistle still preceded by heavy breathing, distinguished cool voice repeated the word "water", he felt the stiff fingers of his right hand with a soft cap, which shook as if he would fall on the dirty slush-covered floor. Something tickled it for a moment after the left temple, then went through his cheek lightly. This is one of many drops of sweat glistening on his forehead lost to gravity. Slowly recovering, the air gradually it can find the way to the interior of the old lungs. He got up slowly despite the hand nurses, which in protest put on his bony shoulder. He looked from side to side, looked straight ahead - more than a dozen equally old, and perhaps older than he people watched him with undisguised amazement. Or maybe in their eyes, in their faces, Mr. Zbigniew find compassion? Remains of pity? Maybe a pinch of fear? - Who knows ?, maybe a mirror in which viewed themselves; pitifully small, grotesque przykurczone, hideously wrinkled caricature of a man. He bowed slightly to the left, right, forward, choked with difficulty the word 'sorry' and slowly shuffled toward the exit, his right hand holding an old, black cap with the logo of the Chicago bulls, and left a large manila envelope with X-rays and scraps of paper czarnoksięskimi filled with incantations and magic numbers, the sum of which gave one short, but how terrible word: death.
Milk soup has long since gone cold. It became an emanation of the expiring mocking, disappearing into the abyss of forgotten tomorrow, ephemeral human existence. He was once warm and very long ago, his heart really was full of mild, pleasant heat. When? Long before the terrible cold that came after her death. Yes, damn milk soup - he never learned to cook decent meals. Always she was cooking it for him and for their children. Children, God in heaven ... If not this whole thing with the hospital, the disease probably still would not remember that somewhere out there living his son and daughter ... Twenty years ago extinguished for ever the eyes of his wife, five years later she ran away from him daughter, son passed away ... I do not remember exactly when. Many years ago ... So much time alone, in a three-bedroom, terribly dumb and deaf for a long time already home. Edith, daughter, fled to his sister, but a few more times, when Christmas was sending him a card, which did not answer. Immediately he drives them out, angrily crumpling without even reading the. Several times she called, but threw the handset as soon as he heard her hesitant, as if choked voice conversation always begins with the termination of word 'Dad'. How many he would give her to call now. He'd do anything to hear her voice. His grandson, or maybe a granddaughter, she had already fourteen years ..

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