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BdOgJ Respectu Stacker Rigger

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Limited Company

Trading through a Limited Company has become increasingly popular, due to flexibility, security and tax efficiency.

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Sole Traders

If you’re a sole trader, you’re running your own business as an individual. You can keep all your business’

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In a business partnership, you and your business partner (or partners) personally share responsibility for your business.

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Reason to join

A personalized service - fully supported by phone and email.


Tried, tested and trusted by Contractors.


We are fully compliant with current legislation – IR35  advice and contract reviews.


Expert financial advice and planning – maximise take home pay and tax efficiency.


Muftal Blog

The biggest change to income tax and National Insurance Contributions since PAYE was introduced in 1944.


Tax avoidance – How worried should you be?


Public sector contacting and IR35 


RTI Penalties – With hard-pressed employers coming to terms with Real Time Information (RTI) filing, the pain is not all over.